Source code for dorie.utilities.grid

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

[docs]class BaseGrid(object): """ Base class for grids. Implements a simple data and grid cell interface. """ dim = None #: dimensionality of the grid _cellCenters = None #: coordinates of the grid cell centers _cellVariables = () #: names of the cell variables _cellValues = () #: values of the cell variables _dataDict = None #: dictionary holding variable data as key-value pairs
[docs] def merge(self, other): """ Merge two grids into a new grid instance """ if self.dim != other.dim: raise RuntimeError("Grid dimensions do not match!") self._calcCellCenters() other._calcCellCenters() new = self._merge_derived(other) new._calcCellCenters() for var in self._cellVariables: data = np.append([var],[var],axis=0) new.add_data(var,data) return new
[docs] def cellCenters(self): """ :returns: The cell centers of the grid. :rtype: array_like """ if self._cellCenters is None: self._calcCellCenters() return self._cellCenters #np.array((self._cellCenters[...,0],self._cellCenters[...,1]))
[docs] def add_data(self,name,data): """ Used for attaching data to the grid. :param str name: Name of the variable (will be used to reference it) :param array_like data: Variable data. First dimensions must match the cell dimensions. """ if name in self._cellVariables: raise ValueError("Cell variable {} already added".format(name)) data = np.squeeze(np.array(data)) if any([a != b for a,b in zip(data.shape, self.cellCenters().shape[:-1])]): raise TypeError("First dimensions of data array must match cell dimensions") self._cellVariables = self._cellVariables + (name,) self._cellValues = self._cellValues + (data,)
[docs] def data(self): """ :returns: The cell variables as key-value pairs :rtype: dict """ if self._dataDict is None: self._calcDataDict() if not all([x in self._dataDict.keys() for x in self._cellVariables]): self._calcDataDict() return self._dataDict
def _calcDataDict(self): self._dataDict = {cvar: cval for cvar, cval in zip(self._cellVariables,self._cellValues)} def _calcCellCenters(self): return NotImplementedError def _merge_derived(self,other): return NotImplementedError
[docs]class RegularGrid(BaseGrid): """ Class implementing a grid interface for given cell centers on a regular grid. """ def __init__(self,cellCenters): super(RegularGrid,self).__init__() cellCenters = np.squeeze(np.array(cellCenters)) if not len(cellCenters.shape) in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError("cellCenters must either be a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d array") if len(cellCenters.shape) != 1: if not cellCenters.shape[-1] in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError("Last dimension of cellCenters must be of size 1, 2, or 3.") self._dim = cellCenters.shape[-1] else: self._dim = 1 self._cellCenters = cellCenters def _merge_derived(self,other): """ Merge this grid with another into a new regular grid instance """ cellCenters = np.append(self.cellCenters(),other.cellCenters(),axis=0) return RegularGrid(cellCenters)
[docs]class UnstructuredVTKGrid(BaseGrid): """ Class for storing an unstructured grid and cell variables defined on it. :param pointCoords: Coordinates of the grid points :type pointCoords: array_like of shape (npoints,dim) :param array_like connectivity: For each cell, the indices of the points that \ make up the cell :param ppc: Points per grid cell :type ppc: 3, 4, 8 :param int dim: Real dimension of the grid """ def __init__(self,pointCoords,connectivity,ppc): super(UnstructuredVTKGrid,self).__init__() self.points = np.array(pointCoords) self.connectivity = np.array(connectivity,dtype=int) self.ppc = ppc if len(self.points.shape) != 2: raise TypeError("pointCoords must be a 2D array") self._numPoints = self.points.shape[0] self._dim = self.points.shape[1] # filter trivial dimensions self._trivial = [] for i in range(self._dim): if np.allclose(self.points[0,i],self.points[:,i]): self._trivial.append(i) self.points = self._remove_trivial(self.points) self.dim = self.points.shape[1] if self.dim > 3: raise TypeError("Only 2- and 3-dimensional grids are supported") if not isinstance(self.ppc,int): raise TypeError("ppc (points per cell) must be an integer") if len(self.connectivity) % self.ppc != 0: raise TypeError("Non-integer number of grid cells") self._numCells = int(len(self.connectivity) / self.ppc) def _merge_derived(self, other): """ Merge this grid with another into a new unstructured grid instance """ if self.ppc != other.ppc: raise RuntimeError("Using different numbers of points per grid cell") points_n = np.append(self.points,other.points,axis=0) connectivity_n = np.append(self.connectivity,other.connectivity + len(self.points),axis=0) return UnstructuredVTKGrid(points_n,connectivity_n,self.ppc)
[docs] def triangulation(self): """ :returns: Cell point coordinates x, y, z and connectivity c as (x, y, z), c :rtype: tuple """ return self.points.T, self.connectivity.reshape(self._numCells,self.ppc)
[docs] def integrate(self,v): """ Integrates an array v defined on each cell center across the grid. :param v: Input array of shape (ncells, dim) or scalar """ if np.asarray(v).size > 1 and self._numCells != np.asarray(v).shape[0]: raise ValueError("Shape mismatch (got: {}, {})".format(self._numCells, np.asarray(v).shape[0])) if self.dim == 2: if self.ppc == 3: areafun = lambda t: .5 * abs(t[:,0,0] * t[:,1,1] - t[:,0,1] * t[:,1,0]) elif self.ppc == 4: areafun = lambda t: abs(t[:,0,0] * t[:,1,1]) else: raise ValueError("Only triangular and rectangular geometry supported") elif self.dim == 3: if self.ppc == 4: areafun = lambda t: 1./6. * abs(np.sum(t[:,0,:] * np.cross(t[:,1,:],t[:,2,:]),axis=-1)) elif self.ppc == 6: areafun = lambda t: abs(t[:,0,0] * t[:,1,1] * t[:,2,2]) else: raise ValueError("Only tetrahedral and cubic geometry supported") else: raise ValueError("Only two and three-dimensional grids supported") corners = self.points[self.connectivity.reshape(self._numCells,self.ppc)] t = corners[:,1:,:] - corners[:,0,:][:,np.newaxis,:] cell_area = areafun(t) broadcast_shape = (self._numCells,) + (1,) * (np.asarray(v).ndim-1) integral = np.sum(cell_area.reshape(broadcast_shape) * v, axis=0) return np.squeeze(integral)
def _calcCellCenters(self): """ :returns: Coordinates of cell centers :rtype: array_like """ cellCoords = self.points[self.connectivity,:] cells = cellCoords.reshape(self._numCells,self.ppc,self.dim) cellCenters = np.mean(cells,axis=1) # average over cell coordinates to get cell center self._cellCenters = np.squeeze(cellCenters) def _remove_trivial(self,x): """ Removes all trivial dimensions from the input, depending on the grid cells. :param array_like x: Data containing the trivial dimension :returns: Data without the trivial dimension """ if self._trivial: return np.delete(x,self._trivial,axis=1) else: return x
[docs]class StructuredVTKGrid(BaseGrid): def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError