********************* Public API Definition ********************* DORiE's Public API comprises the usage of the compiled program as well as the main code segments for using instances of DORiE in other (DUNE) modules and programs. Command Line API ================ The compiled program and the Docker application are executed via the :doc:`Command Line Interface `. The specifications for the respective configuration files are given in the :doc:`Config File Guide `. The main routine (`dorie run `) also requires input files for :doc:`boundary conditions ` and :doc:`soil parameters `. Code API ======== DORiE supplies the `Simulation` template. This is the main class for assembling and running the solver. .. doxygenclass:: Dune::Dorie::Simulation :members: The simulation template requires compile-time type specifications wrapped in a suitable `Traits` structure. .. doxygenstruct:: Dune::Dorie::BaseTraits :members: :undoc-members: