**************************** DORiE Command Line Interface **************************** DORiE consists of two main executables and multiple utility scripts. This wrapper script supplies input files, and manages the execution of these routines. It takes three main arguments: .. object:: dorie.py The script is technically a Python script but can be executed with a simple `./dorie` command. .. option:: dorie create This command creates input files for executing DORiE. They are set up with the default values supplied by the :doc:`Parameter Scraper ` and have to be adapted for the first program run. .. option:: pfg Execute the DORiE Parameter Field Generator. Given a config file (default: `parfield.ini`), this command will create a parameter field file in the H5 format representing the soil architecture for the simulation. .. option:: run Execute the DORiE PDE solver. Depending on the options given in the config file (default: `config.ini`), the command will execute the main solver routine. .. option:: plot Call the Python plotting script on a single `.vtk` file. Prints the values of the specified (or all) variables into `.png`files. .. option:: -h Print help messages. This option can be combined with all other options for details on how to formulate the command and its arguments