Guided Doxygen Documentation


This documentation includes the documentation created by Doxygen, and enhances it by adding further overview features and explanations not suitable for inclusion in the source code.

DORiE consists of several thousand lines of C++ source code, not accounting for the DUNE functions and classes included in the program. There are two approaches on getting to know the code, first by following the programs course fairly linearly, and second by studying class functions and interactions via the modules overview. - Don’t worry! The modularity of the code enables you to work with portions of it while neglecting other parts.

Programming Philosophy

DORiE makes high use of object oriented programming by constructing different classes and letting them interact quite independently.

In general, the constructor of every class reads the parameters important to the same class and immediately assembles all variables and functions needed for further use. Class constructors usually do not receive parameters explicitly, but read them from the parameter file independently. This improves readability of the code but can cause conflicts in parameter declarations. The dorie.parscraper makes sure that all parameter queries are consistent before DORiE is compiled.

Query functions are handled in a top-down approach, where requests for and the sending of data are initiated by the higher-order or owner class. Ownership itself, however, is intended to be as flat as possible, with the main program functions assembling most of the classes and handing them over to other classes with which they interact.

Programming Guide

None so far.

DORiE Routine

Main Function

The Main Routine of DORiE creates a Parameter File Parser object, to read out the parameter file. It assembles a Dune::Grid object by calling the appropriate functions for a structured rectangular or an unstructured simplex grid. The latter is created from a Gmsh .msh Mesh data file.

The grid is handed over to the appropriate Solver functions, which build the Dune Grid Function Space for a rectangular or simplex grid, respectively. The Solver helper functions then call the actual code-solver for computing the solution.


using Sim = Dune::Dorie::Simulation<Traits>
using Simplex = Dune::Dorie::BaseTraits<Dune::UGGrid, Dune::GeometryType::BasicType::simplex, dim, order, true, false>
using SimplexAdaptive = Dune::Dorie::BaseTraits<Dune::UGGrid, Dune::GeometryType::BasicType::simplex, dim, order, true, true>
using Cube = Dune::Dorie::BaseTraits<Dune::Dorie::YaspGrid, Dune::GeometryType::BasicType::cube, dim, order, true, false>
using CubeAdaptive = Dune::Dorie::BaseTraits<Dune::UGGrid, Dune::GeometryType::BasicType::cube, dim, order, true, true>


int main(int argc, char **argv)

Main Program Function: Initialize parameter file reader, build grid and call Richards Solver.

As simplex and rectangular grids demand different FiniteElementMaps, the program calls different functions for these tasks. The objects and types are then passed to the generic solver function.

The UG Grid and FEM templates need the dimension as

constexpr at compile time, so we need the tedious dim and FEorder queries.
RichardsSolver Main functions for assembling operators and solving the problem
RichardsSolverSimplex Helper for building simplex Grid Function Spaces
RichardsSolverRectangular Helper for building rectangular Grid Function Spaces
Dune::Dorie::Traits Variable type definitions Parameter file is specified Output directory is writable Finite Element Order is supported Grid type is supported Dimensions are supported

namespace Dune
namespace Dorie


using Dune::Dorie::YaspGrid = typedef Dune::YaspGrid<dim>

Resolve the second (default) template parameter of YaspGrid.

template <class GridType>
std::shared_ptr<GridType> Dune::Dorie::build_grid_gmsh(const Dune::ParameterTree &inifile, const Dune::MPIHelper &helper)

Read simplex Gmsh file in 2D or 3D, create a grid, and return a shared pointer to the grid.

Refine the grid globally and call default load balancing for multi-processing support.

Shared pointer to grid
Template Parameters
  • GridType: Type of the grid. Must be supported by Dune::GridFactory
  • inifile: Parameter file parser

template <class GridType>
std::shared_ptr<GridType> Dune::Dorie::build_grid_cube(const Dune::ParameterTree &inifile, const Dune::MPIHelper &helper)

Read parameter file specifications, create a grid, and return a shared pointer to the grid.

Refine the grid globally and call default load balancing for multi-processing support.

Shared pointer to grid
Template Parameters
  • GridType: Type of the grid. Must be supported by Dune::StructuredGridFactory
  • inifile: Parameter file parser


The Simulation template receives the assembled Grid Function Space and initializes the PDELab Backends to compute the solution.

template <typename Traits>
class Simulation

Basic Simulation class providing objects and functions for computing the solution.

Subclassed by Dune::Dorie::KnoFuInterface< Traits >

Richards Equation Classes

To compute the solution, the various parts of the Richards Equation and the chosen parameterization have to be represented. This is achieved by building objects which provide appropriate queries for Boundary Conditions, Parameters and Sink/Source terms, depending on both time and space. There are three classes with standardized function queries for these tasks:

template <typename T, class Interpolator>
class ParameterizationBase

Base class for all parameterizations.

Subclassed by Dune::Dorie::MualemVanGenuchten< T, Interpolator >

Public Functions

void read_parameters()

Iterate through parameter array and read each one from the H5 file.

RF headRefToMiller(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Head: Reference to Miller similar (if activated)

\[ h^* = h \exp\left( - (v - \text{Var}(v))\right) \]
with the raw random field value \(v\) and its variance.
Transformed value
  • h: Matric head
  • pos: Position in global coordinates

RF headMillerToRef(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Head: Miller similar to Reference (if activated)


RF condRefToMiller(const RF &K, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Conductivity: Reference to Miller similar (if activated)

\[ K^* = K \exp\left( 2 (v - \text{Var}(v))\right) \]
with the raw random field value \(v\) and its variance.
Transformed value
  • h: Matric head
  • pos: Position in global coordinates

RF condMillerToRef(const RF &k, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Conductivity: Miller similar to Reference (if activated)


const Vector &gravity() const

Return gravity vector.

template <typename T, class Interpolator>
class MualemVanGenuchten : public Dune::Dorie::ParameterizationBase<T, Interpolator>

Mualem-van Genuchten parameterization class.

Public Functions

RF saturation(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Return water saturation for given matric head at current position.

\[ \Theta(h) = \left( 1 + \left( \alpha h \right)^n \right)^{-m} \]
with \(m = 1 - 1/n\)
Soil water saturation
  • h: Matric head

RF waterContent(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Return volumetric water content for given matric head at current position.

\[ \theta(h) = \Theta(h) (\theta_s - \theta_r) + \theta_r \]
Soil Water Content
  • h: Matric head

RF K(const Domain &pos) const

Return saturated conductivity at current position.

\[ K = K_0 \]
Saturated conductivity

RF condFactor(const RF &sat, const Domain &pos) const

Return conductivity factor for given water saturation at current position.

Saturated conductivity K is multiplied with factor condFactor < 1 to receive saturation-dependent conductivity.

\[ K_\text{fac} = \Theta^\tau \left( \Theta - \left( 1 - \Theta^{1/m} \right)^m \right)^2 \]
with \(m = 1 - 1/n\)
Conductivity Factor
  • sat: Soil water saturation

void read_parameters()

Iterate through parameter array and read each one from the H5 file.

RF headRefToMiller(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Head: Reference to Miller similar (if activated)

\[ h^* = h \exp\left( - (v - \text{Var}(v))\right) \]
with the raw random field value \(v\) and its variance.
Transformed value
  • h: Matric head
  • pos: Position in global coordinates

RF headMillerToRef(const RF &h, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Head: Miller similar to Reference (if activated)


RF condRefToMiller(const RF &K, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Conductivity: Reference to Miller similar (if activated)

\[ K^* = K \exp\left( 2 (v - \text{Var}(v))\right) \]
with the raw random field value \(v\) and its variance.
Transformed value
  • h: Matric head
  • pos: Position in global coordinates

RF condMillerToRef(const RF &k, const Domain &pos) const

Transformation: Conductivity: Miller similar to Reference (if activated)


const Vector &gravity() const

Return gravity vector.

template <typename Traits>
class FlowBoundary

Boundary type and condition value queries.

This class containts functions that return the type of boundary conditions and the values of the boundary condition parameters. Both types of queries can be time dependent.

Public Functions

FlowBoundary(const Dune::ParameterTree &config)

Read BC file type and create data handling object.

  • Dune::IOError: BC File Type not supported

RF getNextTimeStamp(const RF &time) const

Return next time at which any boundary condition changes. Return -1.0 by default.

  • time: Current time

BoundaryCondition::Type bc(const Intersection &is, const ID &x, const RF &time) const

Return Boundary Condition Type at certain position and time.

Boundary condition type enumerator
  • is: Intersection enitity
  • x: Position in local entity coordinates
  • time: Time value
  • xGlobal: Global coordinate

RF g(const Intersection &is, const ID &x, const RF &time) const

Dirichlet boundary condition at certain position and time.

Value of matric head
  • is: Intersection enitity
  • x: Position in local entity coordinates
  • time: Time value
  • xglobal: Global coordinate

RF j(const Intersection &is, const ID &x, const RF &time) const

Neumann boundary condition at certain position and time.

Value of flux
  • is: Intersection enitity
  • x: Position in local entity coordinates
  • time: Time value
  • xglobal: Global coordinate

template <typename Traits, typename Parameter>
class FlowSource

Sink and source terms for flow equation.

This class implements sinks (q<0) and sources (q>0) inside of the grid.

Public Functions

RF q(const Element &elem, const Domain &x, RF time) const

Return value of the sink/source at certain position and time.

Sink/source term value
  • elem: Element enitity
  • x: Position in local entity coordinates
  • time: Time value
  • xglobal: Global coordinates

Richards Equation Local Operators

The local operators bind to the PDELab backend and compute the local residual along quadrature points on the grid. They represent the numeric implementation of the PDE’s strong formulation. DORiE uses the mass conserving Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization scheme.

template <typename Traits, typename Parameter, typename Boundary, typename SourceTerm, typename FEM, bool adjoint>
class RichardsDGSpatialOperator : public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<RichardsDGSpatialOperator<Traits, Parameter, Boundary, SourceTerm, FEM, adjoint>>, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianSkeleton<RichardsDGSpatialOperator<Traits, Parameter, Boundary, SourceTerm, FEM, adjoint>>, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianBoundary<RichardsDGSpatialOperator<Traits, Parameter, Boundary, SourceTerm, FEM, adjoint>>, public FullSkeletonPattern, public FullVolumePattern, public LocalOperatorDefaultFlags, public Dune::PDELab::InstationaryLocalOperatorDefaultMethods<Traits::RangeField>

A local operator for solving the Richards equation using upwinding.

Written by Ole Klein, IWR, Heidelberg and modified by the DORiE developers, IUP, Heidelberg

In theory it is possible that one and the same local operator is called first with a finite element of one type and later with a finite element of another type. Since finite elements of different type will usually produce different results for the same local coordinate they cannot share a cache. Here we use a vector of caches to allow for different orders of the shape functions, which should be enough to support p-adaptivity. (Another likely candidate would be differing geometry types, i.e. hybrid meshes.)

Public Functions

RichardsDGSpatialOperator(const Dune::ParameterTree &config, const Parameter &param_, const GridView view_, Boundary &boundary_, const SourceTerm &sourceTerm_, RichardsDGMethod::Type method_ = RichardsDGMethod::SIPG, RichardsDGUpwinding::Type upwinding_ = RichardsDGUpwinding::none, RichardsDGWeights::Type weights_ = RichardsDGWeights::weightsOn, int intorderadd_ = 2, int quadrature_factor_ = 2)

Create operator.

  • param_: Object providing equation parameters
  • view_: Grid view
  • boundary_: Object prividing boundary conditions
  • sourceTerm_: Object providing source term information
  • method_: DG method type
  • upwinding_: Upwinding type
  • weights_: DG weigths switch
  • intorderadd_: Addend to integration order
  • quadrature_factor_: Factor to FEM integration order

template <typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_volume(const EG &eg, const LFSU &lfsu, const X &x, const LFSV &lfsv, R &r) const

Volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions.

Richards Equation - Strong formulation of volume integral

\[ \int_{\Omega_e} K (\Theta (h_m^*)) \cdot (\nabla u - \mathbf{\hat{g}}) \cdot \nabla v \; dx \]
Miller Similarity Transformations:
\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} h_m \; &\xrightarrow{\text{MS}^{-1}} \; & h_m^* \\ K^*(\Theta(h_m^*)) \; &\xrightarrow{\text{MS}} \; & K(\Theta(h_m^*)) \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]

template <typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_skeleton(const IG &ig, const LFSU &lfsu_s, const X &x_s, const LFSV &lfsv_s, const LFSU &lfsu_n, const X &x_n, const LFSV &lfsv_n, R &r_s, R &r_n) const

Skeleton integral depending on test and ansatz functions.

Each face is only visited ONCE!

Weights for symmetry term:

\[ \omega_x = \frac{ K_{0,y} }{ K_{0,x} + K_{0,y}} \; , \quad x,y \in \lbrace s,n \rbrace , \; x \neq y \]
Solution jump over face:
\[ \Delta u = u_s - u_n \]
Penalty factor:
\[\begin{split}\begin{eqnarray*} p &= \mathsf{p} \cdot k (k+d-1) / h_f \\ h_f &= \frac{\min \lbrace \Omega_s,\Omega_n \rbrace }{\Omega_i}\\ d \; &: \text{spatial dimension}\\ k \; &: \text{polynomial order}\\ \Omega_s,\Omega_n \in \mathbb{R}^d \; &: \text{element volumes}\\ \Omega_i \in \mathbb{R}^{d-1} \; &: \text{interface surface} \end{eqnarray*}\end{split}\]

template <typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_boundary(const IG &ig, const LFSU &lfsu_s, const X &x_s, const LFSV &lfsv_s, R &r_s) const

Boundary integral depending on test and ansatz functions.

template <typename EG, typename LFSV, typename R>
void lambda_volume(const EG &eg, const LFSV &lfsv, R &r) const

Volume integral depending only on test functions.

void setTime(RF t)

set operator time

void preStep(RF t, RF dt, int stages)

set operator time and erase BC cache map

template <typename Traits, typename Parameter, typename FEM, bool adjoint>
class RichardsDGTemporalOperator : public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianVolume<RichardsDGTemporalOperator<Traits, Parameter, FEM, adjoint>>, public Dune::PDELab::NumericalJacobianApplyVolume<RichardsDGTemporalOperator<Traits, Parameter, FEM, adjoint>>, public FullSkeletonPattern, public FullVolumePattern, public LocalOperatorDefaultFlags, public Dune::PDELab::InstationaryLocalOperatorDefaultMethods<Traits::RangeField>

DG local operator for the temporal derivative of the Richards equation.

Public Functions

RichardsDGTemporalOperator(const Dune::ParameterTree &config, const Parameter &param_, const typename Traits::GridView view, int intorderadd_ = 0, int quadrature_factor_ = 2)


template <typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_volume(const EG &eg, const LFSU &lfsu, const X &x, const LFSV &lfsv, R &r) const

Volume integral depending on test and ansatz functions.

void setTime(RF t)

set operator time

Time Step Controller

The time step interval is controlled by an own class. It is adjusted according to the performance of the non-linear Newton Solver and possible changes in the boundary conditions.

template <typename R, typename TSC>
class CalculationController

Class to control time and maximum number of iterations for the Newton solver.

Public Functions

CalculationController(const ParameterTree &config, const TSC &tsc_, const Dune::MPIHelper &helper)

Read relevant time values, check for consistency and adapt time step to BC change, if necessary.

  • tsc_: Class with public function getNextTimeStamp(time)

R getTime() const

Return current time.

R getDT() const

Return timestep for next calculation.

int getIterations() const

Return maximum number of Newton iterations allowed for next calculation.

bool doStep() const

Return boolean whether new time step shall be computed.

void set_t_end(const R _t_end)

Set a new finish time for the computation.

bool validate(const bool exc)

Validation of solution and time step calculation.

If the Newton solver throws an exception (because the solution did not converge in the allowed steps or the timestep is too large), exc=true is passed to this function and the timestep will be reduced. Returning false causes the Problem solver to recalculate the timestep with new parameters provided by the controller. The next time step is also adjusted to the next time the BC changes

Boolean if solution is valid
  • exc: Boolean if Newton Class threw an exception
  • Dune::Exception: Newton solver does not converge at dt>=dtmin and it<=itmax

Adaptive Grid Refinement

If enabled, adaptive grid refinement is applied after a time step has been computed successfully. Similar to the actual solver, the Adaptivity Controller implements a Local Operator which computes local residuals along the grid. The residual represents the estimated error of the solution based on an estimation on the error in the water flux along an grid interface. Depending on the refinement scheme, the grid is then refined or coarsened at positions of large or small errors, respectively.

template <typename Traits, typename Parameter, typename Boundary>
class FluxErrorEstimator : public LocalOperatorDefaultFlags

Local operator for residual-based error estimation.

Public Functions

template <typename IG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename R>
void alpha_skeleton(const IG &ig, const LFSU &lfsu_s, const X &x_s, const LFSV &lfsv_s, const LFSU &lfsu_n, const X &x_n, const LFSV &lfsv_n, R &r_s, R &r_n) const

skeleton integral depending on test and ansatz functions

each face is only visited ONCE!

void setTime(RF t)

set operator time

template <typename Traits, typename GFS, typename Param, typename Boundary, typename U>
class AdaptivityHandler : public Dune::Dorie::AdaptivityHandlerBase<Traits, GFS, Param, Boundary, U>

Specialized SimulationBase class providing functions and members for adaptive grid refinement.

Public Functions

AdaptivityHandler(Dune::ParameterTree &_inifile, Grid &grid)

Initialize members from config file parameters.

Disable grid closure for cubic grid.

  • _inifile: Parameter file parser
  • grid: Grid to adapt (reference is not saved)

bool adapt_grid(Grid &grid, GV &gv, GFS &gfs, const Param &param, const Boundary &boundary, const RF time, U &uold, U &unew)

Adapt the grid according to the estimated flux error and the strategy applied.

Boolean if grid operators have to be set up again (true if grid changed)
  • grid: Grid to adapt
  • gv: Leaf grid view of the grid
  • gfs: Solution GridFunctionSpace
  • param: Parameter handler
  • uold: Solution vector
  • unew: Solution vector